The most standard and popular automatic irrigation technique for durian is using mini sprinklers under the canopy.
Driptec first introduced a specialized irrigation sprinkler for durian trees, the Driptec DR09 in 2022, when very few durian gardens applied the automatic sprinkler irrigation system under the tree.
We are hard working to improve it year by year to make it better and as the one of the best sprinkler for Durian irrigation.
micro sprinklers


Sprinkler irrigation solutions are understood as the solution of using sprinklers as the main equipment to  splash the water out.
Sprinkler irrigation usually includes irrigation nozzles, pipeline systems, valve systems, filters and high-pressure pump systems.
The sprinkler nozzle operates based on high water pressure to help water spray out of the nozzle, splash far and evenly cover the surface.


  • Orchard irrigation: This is the most popular application with mini sprinklers. With orchard you may need a PC and range limited one.
  • Sandy soil. With sandy soil, water absorbs very quickly in a vertical direction. With sprinkler irrigation, even coverage helps the roots receive the amount of water they need.
  • Floating roots tree. This case e.g bananas you can consider to apply sprinklers instead of dripline as the wetted from sprinklers can cover all the ground where the root active.
  • High density vegetable. No other solution can be better than mini sprinkler irrigation.
  • It also common apply in turf and landscape irrigation.
Micro impact sprinklers



Micro sprinklers irrigation

Micro sprinklers are commonly used for most fruit tree and vegetable crops. The small watering nozzle can be flexibly used under the canopy of fruit trees, watering vegetables in any topographics…
This solution is popular because it saves water, requires low pressure, and saves costs for pumping and piping systems.


Middle range radius solution

But the fact that, for some reason, Cantaloupe is also grown on ground bed, where the PC dripline is most application. This method seems quite simples.

According to this method the dripline will be spread along the row of melons. Each row of melons is a row of dripline, or two rows of melons are a row of dripline.

Rain gun sprinkler solution

In the picture above you can see the farmer using a large radius irrigation gun to irrigate coffee. This is a popular solution of irrigation for crops that require quick watering with high flow.
Rain gun sprinkler solutions are also very suitable when you want to save money on equipment purchases by applying moving irrigation.


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Driptec Micro sprinklers

The high quality with all the best performances for the particular sprinklers with below features and options:

  • High uniformity
  • Pressure compensation function
  • Radius adjustable
  • 100% high quality virgin technical plastic for long life
  • Modem design

Link: Driptec Micro Sprinkler

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